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  • 📰 Major Media Exec Warns AI Can 'Simply Replace' Journalism

📰 Major Media Exec Warns AI Can 'Simply Replace' Journalism

Also, Bing AI is on Windows 11 and Asimov's AI dystopia could be our future.

Hiya, pal!

You're reading AI Discovrd, a daily newsletter that delivers only the AI news you need to know.

Today you need to know:

  • 📰 A major media exec warns AI can 'simply replace' journalism

  • 📚 Isaac Asimov's AI dystopia could be our future

  • 🪟 Bing AI has arrived on Windows 11

Plus a lot more--but this'll only take 3 minutes. Off you go! 🚀


📰 Major Media Exec Warns AI Can ‘Simply Replace’ Journalism

Here's the good news: AI can make independent journalism better than ever, as per Mathias Döpfner, chief exec of major media group Axel Springer.

But here's the bad news: AI can also 'simply replace' it.

Of course, this statement isn't a huge surprise if you've spent any time tinkering around with ChatGPT.

Today's LLMs are advanced enough that certain types of journalism can indeed be automated.

While Axel Springer--they're behind publications like Politico, Insider, and Morning Brew--seems ready to adapt AI into their work (Mr. Döpfner also mentioned job cuts), journalists shouldn't worry too much just yet.

Only humans can comprehend other people's "true motives" which is essential in journalism. Plus, "unique and compelling" work is still so far irreplaceable by machines.

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📚 Isaac Asimov's AI dystopia could be our future

Are we headed for a future so dependent on AI, that we forget to workout our brain? That's what they talk about in an episode of Digital Dash--Isaac Asimov's 1958 book, The Feeling of Power, might be our new 1984. Brains are muscles: if you don't use it, you lose it!

🎙️ Meanwhile, in other podcasts...

  • Active reading is required for comprehension. Today's most popular LLMs don't change their interpretation of the beginning of a book even after it gets to the end--which is something active readers (humans) do! Interesting, huh?

  • Regulations need to catch up to tech. AI use is a free-for-all right now. It's dangerous especially if it starts perpetuating biases (AI's scalability is a double-edged sword). Regulations need to be put in place to curb it in its tracks.

  • We want AI to be more human. Why? Because when they're more like us, they're more predictable (avoiding a whole Terminator situation) and they're easier to 'collaborate' with.


🪟 Bing AI has arrived on Windows 11. Built-in right on the taskbar, the famous (infamous?) chatbot is now available if you update your OS. Designed to assist, we're sure you definitely won't ask it weird questions and only give it totally normal prompts.

🏺AI robots are restoring 2,000 y/o Pompeii artifacts. Archaeologists are super stoked about their new 'RePAIR' project. According to one of the founding scientists, the goal is for them to just toss fragments on a table and wake up with a robo-restored artifact!

💊 AI-designed COVID drug shows promise. It's still in the preclinical phase--aka probs years away from human testing--but the AI was able to design a drug that can target the virus and might be effective for other coronaviruses.

👩🏻‍⚕️ 'Virtual Sitter' AI in hospitals really help with patient care. One hospital reports a 66% reduction in patients falling and zero injuries due to falls. The AI can monitor patients 24/7, and detect irregular movements and voice cues.

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😅 Coming for meme copywriters, too

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That's it for today! This newsletter was made with the help of AI-driven research. ✌️

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